A Beginner’s Guide to Water Gardens
The idea of water gardening is definitely not a modern concept. Since millenniums, water gardens have been a part of garden layouts. Be they the palaces of Caesar, in Greece, or a castle in Spain, or a manor in Britain or perhaps the palace of Kublai Khan, you could be certain that there would be a water garden built there, and tended carefully and lovingly by all the gardeners.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Growing Plants in Your Water Garden
- Siting Your Pool
- Formal and Informal Water Gardens
- Shallow Pools or Deep Pools?
- Different Types of Pools
- Concrete Pools
- How to Make Your Own Pond
- Prefabricated Pools
- Miscellaneous Containers
- Polythene Sheeting
- Stream Gardens
- Bog Gardens
- Using a Tub as a Water Garden
- Planting in Containers
- Winter Care of Pools
- Planting Your Pools
- No Organic Materials!
- Growing Water Lilies
- Maintenance and Care
- Cleaning Your Pond
- Planting Aquatic Plants
- Planting Oxygenators
- Best Planting Time
- Livestock in Your Pool
- Discolored Water
- Suggested Plants for Your Pool
- Conclusion
- Author Bio
- Publisher
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