Vegetable Growing Made Easy - Growing Vegetables in Your Organic Garden
Why are so many people growing their own vegetables in their backyards, windowsills, and on any available patch of land near their homes? That is because they have understood the value of freshly grown vegetables, picked by one, after one has spent time, and energy in growing them.
This book is for all of those people who want to take care of their health. They do not want chemical pesticides in the vegetables they buy off the shelves in their stores. Also, plenty of these fruit and vegetables may have been exported from out of their town or city. The exporters made sure that they used preservatives in order to keep the fruit and vegetables from rotting.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Soil and Sub – soil
- Proper Drainage
- Cabbages
- General tips for growing cabbages
- Peas
- Drilling
- Tips for a Good Pea Harvest
- Dwarf Beans
- Hardening Off
- Tips for Good Dwarf Beans Harvest
- Broad Beans
- General cultivation of Broad Beans
- Sowing Early?
- Runner Beans
- Runner Beans Supports
- Getting a Good Runner Bean Harvest
- Conclusion
- Author Bio
- Publisher
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