The GIANT Book on Growing Vegetables in Your Garden
This book is going to tell you all about how you can plant vegetable crops, in the open, and especially give you a number of tips about the other necessary factors which are going to help you get a plentiful harvest at the end of the growing season.
The time and the method of planting seeds and plants of a particular species, especially in the open, is going to determine – up to a certain extent – of the success or the failure of your particular crop. This is also going to rest on a number of factors, which may be influencing the rate of growth, and other factors which monitor your plant growth from germination to harvest.
Even with a good seed or a good plant, satisfactory and prolific crops are not going to be produced unless the planting is done at the right time and in a proper manner.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Time of Planting
- Vegetable Crops and Cold Resistance
- Planting Seeds Depth
- Why Are Rows Necessary?
- Planting Methods
- Planting Rate of Seeds
- Thinning of Your Plants
- Transplanting
- Setting Plants by Hand And Machines
- Watering Your Plants
- Puddling
- Using Plant Protectors
- Conclusion
- Cultivating Beans
- Using Poles
- Lima Beans
- Climatic requirements
- Planting
- Harvesting
- Broad Beans
- Planting and Cultivation
- Harvesting
- Soybeans
- French Beans
- String Beans and String Less Beans
- Planting
- Mung Beans
- Mung Beans Sprouts – How to Make Sprouts
- Peas
- Drilling
- Tips for a Good Pea Harvest
- Dwarf Beans
- Hardening Off
- Tips for Good Dwarf Beans Harvest
- Runner Beans
- Runner Beans Supports
- Getting a Good Runner Bean Harvest
- Bean Harvesting Tips
- Root Vegetables
- Celery
- Seed sowing
- Trench Growing
- Knowing More about Earthing up
- Onions
- Spinach
- Summer Spinach
- Winter Spinach
- Leeks
- Asparagus
- Preparing Your Asparagus Bed
- Conclusion
- Cabbages and Savoys
- Spring cabbages
- Tips for Growing Cabbages
- Harvesting the Crop
- Summer and Autumn Cabbages
- Winter Cabbages
- Red cabbages
- Savoys
- Carrots
- Tips for Carrot Care
- Harvesting Your Carrots
- Clamping
- Lettuce, Mustard, and Cress
- Cos Lettuces
- Mustard and Cress
- American Cress
- Onions
- Garlic
- Harvesting
- Health Benefits of Garlic
- Weight Loss through Garlic
- Antiviral and Antibacterial
- Skin Protector
- Garlic for Your Liver
- Blood Sugar Reduction
- Cholesterol Reduction
- Onions
- Soil Preparation for Onions
- Seed Propagation
- Planting
- Thinning
- Proper cultivation of Onions
- Harvesting
- To Top or Not to Top
- Storage
- Shallots
- Growing Shallots
- Harvest
- Growing shallots for Bulbs
- Leeks
- Leek Propagation
- Conclusion
- Author Bio
- Publisher
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