Seeds and Seed Growing - Choosing the Right Seeds for Your Land
Every gardener or crop grower worth his salt, knows all about the importance of good seeds, in order to get a bountiful harvest. This book is going to give you plenty of information on how to choose the best seed, what is good seed, and how you can grow plants properly through traditional seed growing methods.
A gardener must start with successful seeds, this above all the other factors, is the most important. So he has to find the best way in which he can get the best seed from reliable and from disease-free sources.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- What Is Good Seed?
- Disease-Free Seeds
- Clubroot
- Root Knot
- Blackleg
- Yellowing
- Blackrot
- Classification of Vegetables
- Seed Kind
- Seed Variety
- Plant Strain
- Plant Stock
- Buying the Right Seeds
- Price of Good Seed
- Seed Growing
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Testing of Seed
- Doing a Germination Test
- The Right Temperature for Germination
- Conclusion
- Author Bio
- Publisher
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