Rot That Stuff! - Learning How to Compost Organically
Ages ago, when nobody knew anything about artificial fertilizers, gardeners knew one natural truth – natural products from the land when plowed back to the land made the soil richer and more productive. That is why the wise men of many ancient civilizations decided that the best way in which to get to gardeners and farmers to use healthy cultivating processes with a scientific basis was to make the ritual of it.
That is why in ancient times, the sowing Festival was a yearly tradition. Before that the land had to be prepared. This preparation time could be anywhere between 3 to 5 months beforehand. It had to be dug up and the soil made crumbly and friable. Weeds and big rocks had to be removed from the land. And after that, the land had to be fertilized with organic manure. This manure could either be fish manure, cattle manure or poultry manure
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Natural Manure
- Types of Fertilizers
- Farmyard Manure
- Compost Heaps
- How to Make a Compost Heap
- Traditional Bin Method
- Open Heap
- Testing for “Compost – Ripeness”
- Organic Manure for Making Compost
- Poultry Manure
- Using Barnyard Produce for Making Compost
- Fish Manure
- Seaweed
- Hops
- Shoddy
- Peat and Sedge Peat
- Other Natural Manure Substitutes
- Leaf Compost
- How to Make Leaf Compost
- Earthworms Are a Gardeners’ Best Friend
- Green Manures
- Conclusion
- Author Bio
- Publisher
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