Introduction to the Onion Family - Growing Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Chives, and Leeks Easily in Your Garden
Just do a little bit of mental globetrotting and think of all the cuisines in the world. There is absolutely no cuisine anywhere in the world, which has not used a member of the Allium family in some form or the other to make delicious fare for hungry families, down the ages.
Table of Contents
- Garlic
- Harvesting
- Health Benefits of Garlic
- Weight Loss through Garlic
- Antiviral and Antibacterial
- Skin Protector
- Garlic for Your Liver
- Blood Sugar Reduction
- Cholesterol Reduction
- Onions
- Soil Preparation for Onions
- Seed Propagation
- Planting
- Thinning
- Proper cultivation of Onions
- Harvesting
- To Top or Not to Top
- Storage
- Chives
- Shallots
- Growing Shallots
- Harvest
- Growing shallots for Bulbs
- Leeks
- Leek Propagation
- Conclusion
- Author Bio
- Publisher
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