A Beginner’s Guide to Herb Gardening - How to Grow Herb Gardens
The moment you hear the word “Herb” you visualize a soft stemmed plant, which is normally used in cookery, as well as in alternative medicine. These herbs used for millenniums have been an important part of our social traditional and religious fabrics all over the world. No one, without an interest in nature is not going to know more about Rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme, hyssop, basil, and other herbs put into use down the centuries.
The awareness of the medical as well as the edible qualities of herbs, was naturally gained in prehistoric days by happy and sad experience. When food was nasty tasting or scarce, the pungent herbs made it more delicious and acceptable to eat. Leafy herbs provided vegetables and salads. Soon people began to find out that some herbs would also heal wounds and ease suffering. So that means that even the herbs that we supposedly used for culinary purposes could be used for healing purposes.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- How to Lay Out a Herbal Garden
- Thinking of Layout Plans
- Making Paths
- Best Flower Choices
- Making a City Herbal Garden
- Making Leaf Mold
- Making Natural Organic Compost
- Feeding the Soil
- My Way of Planting
- Making Soil Beds
- Wooden Boxes as Plant Containers
- Window Boxes
- Other Containers
- Herb Growing Project for Children
- Suitable Herbs for Your Garden
- Perennials for herb borders and for beds
- Culinary and Beauty Uses of Herbs
- Elderflower Water
- Conserves
- Herbal wines
- Herbal Force Meat Stuffing
- Apple and Mint Jam
- Conclusion
- Author Bio
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