Beauty Eternal - Easy Ways to Preserve Flowers
Flowers and other parts of the plant have been dried since ancient times, to be used in herbal remedies.
I recently wrote a book on how you could preserve flowers by drying them, and make things of beauty and a joy forever out of them.
As I am fascinated with flowers, and anything else including interesting looking leaves, driftwood, seeds, and even dried fruit which has anything to do with their presence in nature and their presence right in my home after I have gathered them in great handfuls on my many rambles outdoors, is it surprising that you are going to learn more about how you can preserve flowers, especially when you find them right there indoors, when it is 0° outside and a force 10 wind blowing.
Traditionally, man has been fascinated with the ephemeral quality of flowers for millenniums, and he has tried his best to make sure that they last just a little bit longer after he has collected them from the branches on which they blossomed so beautifully just this morning. This book is going to tell you all about tips and techniques on how you can press flowers in a methodical manner, both traditional and modern, and also how you can try out some interesting creative techniques in order to preserve these flowers for just another year or so right indoors.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Making Your Own Wax Flowers
- Making a Wax Flower Candle
- Making a Wooden Flower Press
- Padded Pressboard
- Making Your Thick Padded Board –
- Setting Out Your Flowers
- More Tips for Sand Drying
- Silica Gel Tips
- Silica Gel – Borax Drying Plants
- Drying in Your Microwave
- Picking Your Wildflowers
- How to Dry Wildflowers
- Air Drying Your Flowers
- Conclusion
- Author Bio
- Publisher
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