Tips for Backyard Gardening Making the Best Use of Limited Land

healthy gardening

Since ancient times, dietitians knew all about the value of vegetables in human diet. The absence of fresh vegetables would result in ill health, as well as the lack of body resistance, and future healthy growth. Vegetables furnish nourishment in the shape of starch and sugar. They also stimulate intestinal activity.
The term vegetables has through common consent down the ages, come to be applied to a particular class of plants. We eat the leaves, buds, stems, and occasionally the fruits of these particular plants. So if you say “is the tomato a vegetable or a fruit,” the answer is the tomato is botanically a fruit, but we use the tomato as we use other members of the vegetables class.
Fruits are very sugary and vegetables are not.

healthy gardening

Vegetables are on the whole short term plants, but allow for repeated sowings to prolong the season of growth. Down the ages, vegetables have been grown by householders in patches of land around their houses for home consumption. People with large gardens also had their own vegetable patches and herb patches. So this book is for all of those people who are interested in growing vegetables in their own back yard and using every inch of land in a sustainable fashion.
The tips and techniques given here may look so very old-fashioned, but they are tried and tested. That is because we believe in organic gardening where we are not going to be using chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides to protect our vegetables. Even though the methods given here may be called old school by 21st century gardeners, they have been in use throughout the world for millenniums and they have been giving time-tested results.
So let us look at the easy ways in which we can begin preliminaries in vegetable gardening, in our own backyard

Planning Your Vegetable Garden

For the majority of vegetables you need beds 3 feet – 4 feet broad, with paths between depending on the area of land, you have to cultivate. Some crops like tomato are better grown on ridges, and irrigated in the furrows.
Vegetables need more frequent watering than any other class of crops. This watering is done once every four days in dry weather. You may also want to change the frequency of watering, depending on the weather in your locality.
It is possible to get a greatly increased yield from a vegetable plot by sowing different kinds of vegetables together. After that you can take the earlier crops soon. The later crops are going to make their full development in the increased space.
Thus radishes and beets can be sown together. The radishes are going to give up their harvest before the beets crowd them too much.
You can put the beets in rows 24 inches apart, and the radishes rows between the beet rows. Again, early cabbage and spinach can also be sown together. Rows of cabbages are 36 inches apart, and the spinach rows are going to be sown between these plants. You can also plant lettuces in rows here.
Sowings should be done in a seedbed and the seedlings should be planted in their proper propositions. Hoeing is a gardening process which most of us gardeners neglect to do. Not only is this an excellent way in which you can keep down the weeds, but it is also useful for aerating the soil by turning it over. Along with that, the dust “tilth” which is created by hoeing can be sprinkled around the plants to give them more support.

backyard healthy gardening

This book has given you quite a lot of knowledge about how you can set up your garden. So if you are an amateur gardener, you would want to start planting right now, so that your garden looks really good throughout the year.
Most of these tips are traditional and common sense tips. Many people do not bother much about gardening because they think it to be such a headache, especially when they have to maintain the garden and do the hoeing, raking and de-weeding, three or four times every week. If you come in that category, it is better not to start a garden, because then you are going to feel really sad when you see your plants dying just because you could not be bothered to water them.
However, if you really want greenery around you and beautiful plants, as well as the good harvest do not take up the project of a full garden outdoors. You can grow a garden inside, in small containers. It is also easy to maintain this small garden. But I would always suggest learning a new activity which allows you to get out in the sun and fresh air. It also helps you feel that you have achieved something at the end of the day. Who knows, one fine day you might find yourself becoming one of the avid gardeners of your neighborhood.
Live Long and Prosper!

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backyard healthy gardening