The GIANT Book on Growing Trees and Bushes

healthy gardening - growing trees

When Mother Nature blessed the new born earth with life forms milleniums ago, the diversity of one celled creatures took up different lines of evolution due to climatic changes and mutations. That is when plant life evolved along with animal life. And that is how the surface of the earth was covered with lush fruitful vegetation, which flourished and evolved in different climates.

healthy gardening - growing trees

As time went by, climatic changes also changed the nature and the appearance of these plants. From multicelled algae and fungi, they became huge multicelled giant trees, like the Sequoia, which are remnants of those glorious days of giant Green trees gone by.
And soon man found out that trees were very useful to give him shelter, to give him food, and to provide him with essential fruit, leaves, and seeds to supplement his diet. That was because he was imitating the animals around him.
They nibbled at leaves, he did the same thing. Sometimes he ended up with a tummy ache. Sometimes the animals ended up sick while he was left hale and hearty. But down the ages, and through lots of trial and error, he found out that every single plant out there could be put into use, even those plants we consider weeds today.
The mythological and historical hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were supposed to have been built by Nebuchadnezzar, but in actuality were built by Sennacherib in Nineveh, Assyria, about 300 km away from Babylon.
These were lush with green trees from all over the world. And historians who are not really bothered about historic authenticity and the names of kings, did not bother much about the locality or the creator of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
First-hand accounts of that time were not available, and when Babylon conquered Assyria, they called it the new Babylon. And so centuries later historians wrote about the wonders of marvelous trees and green vegetation, growing in Babylon.
So that is the reason why since ancient times, trees, especially fruit trees have been an important part of cultured and civilized landscaping. They were and are planted in gardens for the pleasure of the general public or for your own private enjoyment.

healthy gardening - growing trees

Blackcurrant bush

You can grow one kind of fruit or another in almost any garden. Even the smallest garden can produce apples and strawberries. If you have plenty of land you are lucky because you have the space to allow your trees to spread their wings and flourish.

Besides being planted for their crops, fruit trees and fruit shrubs can be used to make your garden look more attractive, aesthetically pleasing and a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

You can make hedges from black currant bushes. Logan berries and blackberries can be used for covering fences and garden sheds. Bare walls can be covered with fruit trees instead of creepers or wall plants.

Which Fruit to Grow?

Unless you have plenty of land, there is a chance that you are going to be strapped for space. That is why you need to know which fruit to grow. The time for huge gardens is passed, unless you have inherited lots of land. That is why your small gardens need to be filled up with useful fruit trees. So of course the best option is to grow the fruit you love best. Also, choose the fruit, of which the freshness appeals most to you.

healthy gardening-growing trees

This book has introduced you through the magic of conifers. Not only are they going to provide your garden with a splendid Vista as they grow, but they also provide style and distinction to important garden locations.
Remember that the best permanent effects in your garden are going to be made up of fine conifer specimens. Gardening enthusiasts are going to obtain greater pleasure from the contemplation of one first-class specimen of one common species than from the site of an indifferent and misshapen example of comparative rarity.
This is a matter of interest and attention. In the case of conifers because the effect produced by them all is to a large extent similar. On the other hand, their likes and dislikes are varied! So you may need to ask the help of an experienced nursery man to give you more help and useful advice to keep your conifers healthy in your particular locality, climate, soil type and area.

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healthy gardening - growing trees